Unhappiness to Happiness with 10 magical statements

Aatmn Parmar
3 min readSep 21, 2021


Let your happiness be independent of people, places and possibilities. Waiting for the circumstances to change can create a prolonged state of unhappiness.

Most people believe that it’s a challenge to be happy. We have social, physical, environmental, career challenges…. And there is always somebody or something to blame. .. Toni Watson’s song plays on as this is being typed..: “And I don’t wanna cry…But now it’s hard to breathe…’cause you can’t be happy all the time…”

If this resonates, you probably have a tendency to keep feeling low. You feel sad.

Rumana had a recent break up with her 6th boyfriend and felt quite depressed and suicidal. Her heavy heart and a deep sinking feeling left her unable to focus on anything else. She crazily yearned for a phone call from her Ex. She kept thinking of so many of her friends who enjoy steady relationships and happily look forward to their weekends. On the other hand, she dreaded weekends as she had nothing to do but sob hopelessly.

She was caught up in the sadness loop, feeling sorry for herself, focusing on her sadness, and empowering her disempowered feeling by constantly dwelling on the choice-less state of gloom. The constant question in her mind was — Why does it have to be me?

Unhappy ones crave happiness, Happy ones radiate happiness.

It is quite possible for you to think your way to a happier state of mind. When you are in a happier state you can create and attract a happier world around you.

Don’t believe it?

Assess your level of happiness on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

Use Redikall statements. They provide a simple and effective way to dissociate adverse thoughts and beliefs that block your happiness. You bounce back to take charge of your life through self-healing.

Try reciting each of the following Redikall statements 7–21 times and you will find a shift in the state of your happiness. ( R5 = Revive, Recognise, Realign, Reorient and Reposition.) Read the book Redikall Crystalline Mind to explore more statements and the philosophy behind the statements.

I R5 my happiness.

I R5 my need for happiness.

I R5 my resistance to be happier.

I R5 my association of sadness with growth.

I R5 my unhealthy beliefs about happiness.

I R5 my known and unknown guilts.

I R5 my unconditional happiness.

I R5 my willingness to be happy.

I R5 my emotional resilience.

I R5 my emotional independence.

Make the shift to a ‘happier you’ irrespective of outer circumstances or others’ reciprocation of your goodness. As you begin to discover the happiness within, you will find it radiating to others around you.

The light is not dependent upon the illumination. Because the light is the creator of the illumination.

Similarly, rediscover the source of happiness within so that you can radiate happiness instead of waiting for others to make you happy. Self-Healing with R5 will empower you to rediscover happiness.

Happy self-healing!

Please note: that this is not an alternative therapeutic tip, nor a replacement for any therapeutic system. Do not discontinue any medication or therapies.

This is an instant remedial measure to bounce back to a happier state. However, to experience eternal state of bliss, you need to raise your inner awareness. You can think of taking up in-depth online courses and help yourself.



Aatmn Parmar

International speaker, Author, Intuitive channel, the founder of Redikall Healing System, Homoeopath, hypnotherapist, Mind and Metaphysics expert.